
Showing posts from March, 2014

Being an active participant in Nature

Life… the term is a possession that humanity believes to be its own!  But look around.. Life is not just humans but also rest of the beings that breathe and grow. We are well aware that when we are in a system we have to be an active participant in all its activities: in a society, in an institution, in a group, in a country, everywhere man is on a run to prove to be the best among the group. The best participant worthy of praises… But are we truly an active participant to the life around us? The answer is most probably a big “YES” which arrogantly echoes in your mind right now. Well the answer is so very wrong. If you live in a society, belong to a group, score well for your institution, make your family proud, contribute to the income, contribute to the state and so on why is that humanity always finds it comfortable to forget that we live on Earth?? We are Terrestrials, living beings of the planet named “Terra” a.k.a Earth? We forget to be that active participant on Earth. How...

Driving away Loneliness...

It is often strange that we feel alone most of the time. Not because there is none near us, but because we are convinced that we are strangers to people around us. Often when we are surrounded by family or friends we realize that we don't belong there... How queer, but that's just our mind pretending to be to be neglected or perhaps our lonely self that repels every external attempt of coming closer to us! We want to be alone, but we need company too!! Man is such a confusing being... The secret to living is not in feeling alone when you have company and wanting company when you are alone... Life is best the other way around. To simply listen to people, to speak something silly, being along and being present at the given moment, and when alone just relaxing the mind, listening to the calm, breathing in the peace and letting loose yourself for your mind to wander free the wild... I have noticed during my lonely walks that I often  feel the need of company, my heart sags when ...