A Dispute On Nuptial Norms : New and Old

From tender years, toddler to teenage
The world beckons the young as inexperienced babes,
May a few dozen years pass
Let age win over all our past
And yet the world finds the youth
Naïve, young bohemian uncouth!
            Brains yet blooming from tiny buds,
And hearts yet to learn beats and thuds
May the physique shape up or education tone one
To prove to us your maturity is to marry someone.

            If so, can we marry a body suitable to sleep with?
Oh! Yes that’s easy, the family will tally height, weight and width.

            But can we marry a soul of our choice?
            Ah, what joke! Beat your love to fall for the person your family poise.

            But can’t we not marry our heart’s desire?
            Oh yes you  can if they wear your religious attire.

            But Love is Blind! Boundless! Bodiless!
But the people are not, nor are societies and religions.

            But God is Love! And Love is religion!
Who teaches thee! God is Cross, Fire and Call of Muezzin.

Seconds can teach faster than eons,
Our logics are intact, capable to choose our Fiance.
Ah, blunder! Rest your puny brains,
It is still to blossom to choose your aisles.

Experiences are faster in this hectic age,
Logic and intellect surpass your age.
What defiant thoughts! Old is Gold
Golden are our thoughts and you sole goals…

But you said Earth was the centre, we proved it wrong,
Old said Earth is flat we proved it round.
Old is wine, you always love it old,
Old is antique, you sell it for gold!

But Old is the past, now is the truth!
Now is our time, now is our youth.
Now is our choice like once had you,
Now shapes a person not adages or you.
But norms are like ropes set for generations new,
They bind the society and leave straying ends few.

But your norms are old the ropes are withering
From the very rottenness you bound it mistaking!
Old is destined to wither and fall
And new should replace, this is nature’s poll.
Ah! That say you an excellent point,
That old will rot how much ever you anoint.

The truth lightens up, old norms are rotting,
No society, no religion has truth reporting.
The ages are past, the rules are past,
Changes arrive, no ancient boundary can last.
Science have proved that we descent from One.
We are nothing else but only Human.
We are one kind, at place, at one time,
We are no one to ourselves into sections divide.

Oh thou my children! My sweet new generation!
Time is pass’t we are to be in motion.
Our minds were chained by religious names!
Lands were cut and to sections acclaimed!
World is at each moment going insane!
Oh, misinterpretations! We are growing inhumane!
Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa! Mea Maxima Culpa!
The world is one! We are one! We are All but One…!


  1. and thus we says
    we are to change
    and spread those fire
    to all that spring
    from the bottom root...


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