The Invisible Hand....

Lifting my head the sky caught my attention where the supreme have stretched the blue canvas ready to mix colours for the night. The clouds were like cotton balls sucking up the golden syrup poured on it and became dense glowing with a gleam of gold.The invisible hand seemed to be on work where fluorescent orange was dabbed here and there and the glowing cotton balls were squeezed out to let the golden glow ooze into the sky...The fingers worked constantly unseen smudging the shade well into the blue to form a pale violet and the entire sky lost its glow, and coloured pale violet...And lo! a star had dropped! and there another! and many more ...everywhere twinkling ardently as if awaken from a good sleep and the crescent moon peeped out of the horizon as if to check if the sun had gone down enough...

The hand seemed to be working ore simultaneously now and the entire blue canvas mixed up and smudged to black. The clouds now drained off all the golden liquid was soft, fluffy and light again to float the black sky careful not to bombard into the little stars or the crescent moon so they altered their course to a lower level....And then the revelation struck me. It was the invisible hand that painted the bright sky black, but never forgot to drop the shiny little stars and the moon to brighten it up. It had assigned the sun and the moon to take turns to brighten up the world and sends a soft breeze to caress every creation it hass made to make everything feel loved and cared for. How thoughtless of me! I thought the world hated me but know when I look again people are just puny creations who want to be loved but doesn't recognize the miracle , the magic the hand does to make us feel loved... 

And once again the world was lovable. But this time not the people. HUMANS HARDLY MAKE THE WORLD. So I smiled to the trees, the birds and the stray animals. I shared a bit of what I ate with them. The world was magical again...It gave me the innocent pristine love.The twinkling eyes of the stray dogs promising me even the sacrifice of their life for a morsel or two I shared with them. How lovable is the world and innocent are the creatures. O!! No I didn't mean humans...Humans are like snakes who bite on the hands that feed. So I loved the world except men and women. But i did love children, they were mentally untouched by selfishness and they felt the love of the hand and saw the colours of the world. They loved back everything and their eyes twinkled endlessly when they cried as well as when they smiled... They know the kiss of the breeze and the touch of the hand and like me the stars kindled their joy...



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